Our enterprise
love-me-doux.ch is a company created by a mother in order to manufacture and promote oleo-limestone liniment in Switzerland.
Our team
- Cécile Girardin: mom chemical engineer H.E.S
- Girardin family: product testers.
When my first son was 3 months old I discovered the oleo-limestone liniment. Not finding it in Switzerland, I decided to make it. At first for our family then friends. In September 2010, the desire to become independent, by offering an innovative product, led to the creation of love-me-doux.ch. After 250l in 2011 and just as much in 2012, I had to find a company to manufacture my product. Something done in 2014! Since August 2014, most of my products have therefore arrived from the south of France. They are produced as close as possible to raw materials and by a cosmetics company active for over 40 years in organic cosmetics. The recipe is always that of the beginnings and the Calendula macerate always comes from the same producer.
I am also an EPG babywearing instructor (school of babywearing in Geneva, 2011) and PSETUA (carrying my child, quite an art, 2015) which allows me to offer you suitable babywearing means on this site.
I trained as a Sympto counselor (contraception and conception without hormones) in 2012 and therefore I offer you on this site a very good book and the essential tool for this method in the "Woman" section
I will be part of the Mampreneurs association since 2011, you can read my portrait made at the end of 2012 on their site: Portrait of Cécile Girardin - mampreneurs association
About the oleo-limestone liniment
If you have questions about the oleo-limestone liniment you can find answers on this page: https://love-me-doux.ch/fr/content/9-definitions-et-autres-questions-frequentes